The peer review process is a fundamental part of research publishing. Peer review involves subjecting the author's scholarly work and research to the examination of other experts in the same field to check its validity and evaluate its suitability for publication. A peer review helps the publisher decide whether a work should be accepted. Reviewing can encourage observation, perception and general awareness both during and after experiences. By reviewing activities we show that we care about what people experience, that we value what they have to say, and that we are interested in the progress of each individual's learning and development. Therefore the editorial board has selected easy and clear process to receive, review, publish and disseminate the article through an electronic program which includes the following steps:
1- The author submits the research paper to the journal’s website on the knowledge bank (any different way of submission will not be considered).
2- Submit the research paper to two referees/reviewers in the specialized field and request a feedback within 15 days from the submission date.
3- The peer review process (double-blind review) is used, this means hiding the name of the researcher and the names of the arbitrators or any data indicating their identity or work place during the arbitration process.
4- Once an article has passed the refereeing screening process and accepted, it will be transferred in an electronic file titled “Articles Ready for Publication”.
5- In case an article has been rejected by one of the reviewers, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer. If the third reviewer’s opinion matches one of the other reviewers, then the article will be either accepted or rejected based on that.
6- After an article has been accepted with minor revisions, article will be sent to the author to make the necessary changes as recommended (within 15 days), then the article will be re-sent to the reviewers to do the final revision and the editorial board of the journal will be following up the procedures.
7- Then reviewers will fill out an electronic form for all articles’ details, indicating the reasons of accepting or rejecting the paper.
8- Upon final acceptance of the article, the author will be notified by an official acceptance letter signed by the Editor-in-Chief that article is ready for publication and stating the journal, year and volume in which the article will be published.
9- As a final point, the editorial board of the journal will review and prepare the article according to the criteria of publication to be published.